The NJ site of the Northeast Judging Center of the American Orchid Society, has moved to the Flat Rock Brook Nature Center, at 443 Van Nostrand Avenue, Englewood NJ, 07631.
Judging day remains the third Saturday of each month. Flat Rock Brook Nature Center offers free parking adjacent to the building and overflow parking down the hill, on the public streets.
The building is ADA accessible and there is drive-up access to where judging takes place for convenient plant drop-off.
Everyone is welcome!
Bring an orchid for judging, or just come and listen. Either way, you’ll learn a lot about orchids. With orchids timing is everything. If your orchids are in their prime earlier in the month, the Northeast Judging Center in Boylston MA meets on the first Saturday of the month, and the Mid-Atlantic Judging Center meets in Philadelphia PA on the second Saturday of the month. So, there are lots of opportunities to have your orchids judged and pick up a few tips from the judges.